Prof. Li joined University of Alberta in 1998, after worked as a PDF at Penn State University (1995–97). He is an Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Eng. at U. of Alberta, a visiting professor at National University of Singapore (2004, 2012) and MIT (2011) as well as a visiting scientist in a Biophysics group of NICT (Japan, 2005). He is on editorial board for 10 journals. Dr. Li has in excess of 330 publications. Education: B.Sc. in Solid Mechanics (USTC, 1982), M.Sc. in Solid-State Physics (Zhongshan U., 1985), PhD in Materials Physics (USTB, 1990), PhD in Metallurgical Engineering (McGill, 1995).
Research Interest
Surfaces and interfaces Tribology and tribo-materials Nano-materials Computational materials science
He attained his PhD at Lancaster University from the School of Physics and Chemistry. He worked at Guangzhou Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences as an Assistant Professor and then at Case Western Reserve University in the USA as a Research Fellow. Mo joined Loughborough University as a Research Fellow, and then progressed to Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader and Professor. He has published more than 200 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editor and editorial board member for several reputed journals.
Research Interest
Polymer nanocomposites, Functionalized mesoporous materials, Physics and chemistry of carbon nanotube and graphene, Polyurethane and graphene coatings for anti-corrosion and erosion, Chitosan-based biopolymers, High temperature polymers, Conductive polymer materials for thermal management and electronics, High impact performance polymers for light weight armour
Arief Suriadi Budiman received his B.S. in mechanical engineering from Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB), Indonesia, his M.EngSc in materials engineering from Monash Univ., Australia and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University, CA in 2008. During his doctoral candidacy at Stanford’s Department of Materials Science & Engineering under the supervision of Professor William D. Nix (MRS Von Hippel Award 2007), Dr. Budiman received several research awards (MRS Graduate Silver Award 2006, MRS Best Paper 2006) and contributed to several high-impact journal publications (Acta Materialia, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Electronic Materials). As a graduate student, he gave two symposium invited talks as well in the MRS spring and fall meetings in 2006. More recently Dr. Budiman has been awarded the prestigious Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Director's Research Fellowship to conduct top strategic research for the energy and national security missions of the Los Alamos National Laboratory's. At the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) at Los Alamos, Dr. Budiman’s research program involves nanomaterials for extreme environments with potential applications in advanced energy systems including for next generation nuclear power reactors Currently, at the Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD), Dr. Budiman is leading a dynamic, young group researching nanomaterials and nanomechanics and their implications for extending the extreme limits of materials as well as their applications in the next generation energy technologies (solar PV, extreme environments, energy storage, etc.). His work has also recently received the famed Berkeley Lab Scientific Highlights twice in May 2010 and June 2013 (the latter was for his novel, innovative characterization technique that enables thin silicon solar PV technology). He has had extensive industrial exposures through his work as well as consulting with some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley and in Solar PV R&D (research and development) areas – amongst others, San Jose-based SunPower Corporation and Stanfordbased Bay Area Photovoltaics Consortium (BAPVC), in addition to national energy labs /academic research experiences. He also ecently spent a year in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, MA, as one of its Outstanding (Foreign) Faculty Award Recipient to conduct research in energy (Solar PV, as well as next generation energy storage/Li-ion). In SUTD in Singapore, he is currently running a multi-million dollars research grant program on Solar PV and more particularly on enabling ultra thin (< 80 micron) silicon solar cells sponsored by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of the Singapore’s Government. He has been invited to give invited lectures/seminars on solar PV/solar cells materials and technology in various top international scientific/technological conferences (EU PVSEC 2016/2014, PVDAYS 2015, MRS PV WORKSHOP 2014, SOLAR PV MIT 2015). Dr. Budiman has authored/co-authored several high-impact journal publications (Acta Materialia, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Procedia Engineering, Materials Science Engineering A). He has also recently published a book “Probing Crystal Plasticity at the Nanoscales – Synchrotron X-ray Microdiffraction†(Springer 2015). He has two U. S. Patents and one pending.
Research Interest
Acta Materialia, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Procedia Engineering, Materials Science Engineering