Guang-Ping Zhang
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Guang-Ping Zhang got his PhD in 1997 from Institute of Metal Research(IMR), Chinese Academy of Sciences and completed postdoctoral studies at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan in 2001. He is a full professor and a group leader of mechnical behavior of small-dimensional materials in Shenayng National Laboratory for Materials Sciences, IMR, a member of Fatigue and Fracture Committee, of CMRS and a member of EuroSIME Technical Committee. He has published more than 100 papers in reputed journals and authorized 5 patents.
Research Interest
Mechanical behavior of materials at small scales; Microstructures and reliability of thin films, nanostructured surfaces and coatings; Engineered multilayers, design and development of high-performance layer-structured composites inspired by length scale and interface; Evaluation of microstructure degradation and fatigue reliability of advanced engineering materials.