Aitber Bizhanov
Metal and Coal Extrusion-RUSSIA, Russian Federation
Aitber Bizhanov has completed his PhD from National University of Sciemce and Technology MISIS (Moscow). He is the official representative of JC Steele and Sons, INC (NC, USA)- world largest producer of the equipment for Stiff Extrusion Agglomeration. He has published more than 45 papers in reputed journals and owns more than 15 patents in metallurgical applcations of Stiff Extrusion Agglomeration. Results of R&D have evidently propved that this technology which had been widely used for brick-making can be very efficient for the utilization of anthropogenic and natural iron-containing materials for iron and steelmaking. Aitbe Bizhanov invstigated the mechanisms of the reduction of briquettes in Blast Furnace, in Submerged Electric Arc Furnace and in the Direct Reduced Iron Reactors. He is an authors of new term BREX which is being used internationally to describe extruded briuettes.
Abstract : Extruded Briquette (Brex) – New Charge Component for Modern Metallurgy